The last day
The last day of my stay in Hungary I first went to a shelter for bears and wolves with my organisation and later to our camp, for my own goodbye party.
This blog is dedicated to everything concerning my EVS-experience with Szivárvány Törzs (Rainbow Tribe) - be it anecdotes or pictures. All this is and was made possible through support provided by the European Community Erasmus+ Programme.
The blog can also be found under the following address:
The last day of my stay in Hungary I first went to a shelter for bears and wolves with my organisation and later to our camp, for my own goodbye party.
The third and last part of my journey takes me to a friend in Warsaw for a few days.
The second part of my journey takes me to Kraków, in Southern Poland.
I'm meeting an old friend of mine from the 11.-14. of July in her hometown in South Moravia, close to Brno.
My last month in Hungary has started - and with it, the time to say Goodbye.
One year abroad often means speaking and sometimes learning a different language.
One of the classics of the Hungarian kitchen, especially at the beaches around the big lakes, is Lángos.
Every now and then the weather goes crazy. But a rain like this I have seen only rarely.
For one week I'm going to the island Krk, in front of the Croatian coast, to go on holiday with my family.
We are now four volunteers in the Rainbow Tribe, and there won't be any other new arrivals before I leave in one and a half months.