Family holiday on Krk
For one week I'm going to the island Krk, in front of the Croatian coast, to go on holiday with my family.

Krk, a Croatian island in the northern part of the Adriatic Sea is a beautiful piece of land close to the city of Rijeka, which you can reach via eight hour night bus from Budapest.
Which I had to take advantage of, of course, after an invitation of my parents to go there on holiday with the rest of my family.
Sunday - Arrival and Reunion
The journey started Saturday night, directly after a small dancing event of my organisation, and took until the following morning, where my parents picked me up at the bus station in Rijeka.
After my sister and her boyfriend, too, had joined us, about one hour later, we drove from the mainland to the island for a day of just lazily laying around at the beach, eating cherries we got from our landlady. They still tasted great even after thrown in and dived after in the salty water.
Because, after the night long travels, everyone was simply too tired for anything else.
Monday - Krk, capital of the island
After a good night's sleep and an unhurried breakfast we're going to the capital of the island, which is called - like the island itself - Krk. Lots of small, beautiful streets where you can hide from the sun, a pretty promenade next to the harbour and a castle, the oldest part originating from the 12th century invite you for a nice stroll.
In the evening we have a barbeque on our terrace, the first (as I see it) real barbeque since leaving Germany nearly a year ago. Thanks to my journey to Greece I can contribute a recipe for real Greek salad my family enjoys not only today but also in the following evenings.
Tuesday - Let's go underground!
Krk has a great many different sceneries to offer, more than I had expected when I first got there. One of these sceneries are karst caves, and one of these caves can even be entered.
Biserujka is the name of the about 100 m long cave in the more barren area of the island where we're going on the third day of my holiday. Next to the cave we also find a nice little path down to the coast, through the stones and thorny undergrowth I was used to from previous trips to Croatia.
The sun is burning quite a lot, so we spend the rest of the afternoon in the sea before trying our hand at cooking a gilthead on our barbeque - with great success.
Wednesday - Water Taxi and spit-roasted pig
On Wednesday we get up a little earlier than the other days - we take the water taxi over to Crikvenica, a town on the mainland coast. My father and the boyfriend of my sister go to the nearby castle, but not all of us have shoes fit for a hike, so the rest of us decides to stroll through the city instead, hunting for pokémon and animals to take pictures of.
A few hours later we meet again for ice cream, before the taxi takes us back, crossing the bay, to the island.
After a jump into the sea we go and eat suckling pig for dinner and relax on our terrace afterwards, before the mosquitos drive us inside.
Thursday - Flowers and Butterflies
A completely different scenery from the one around Biserujka can be found close to Njivice. They have a freshwater lake in the middle of a bird reservation and the island is full of life and growing greenery here.
Despite the heat we make a small hike to the lake and enjoy the many flowers, butterflies and lizards we see on the way.
To get rid of the sweat we go swimming on the beach of Njivice afterwards, before trying to make sea bass, too, on our barbeque at home.
Even though the mosquitos are getting more and more annyoing after sunset we still stay outside, playing cards, until long after midnight. It's a lot nicer outside than in our apartment, although we're able to control the temperature inside quite well, thanks to air conditioning.
Friday - Chapel in ruins and muddy waters
The officially last day of our holiday takes us back to the area of Biserujka - close to the cave you can find ruins of a small chapel, which we'd still like to visit.
The chapel stands on a small hill, next to a lagoon with invitingly blue water. The ground of the sea is full of muddy sediments here, though, whirling up with every move and restricting the joy of the cool wet more than expected. Thusly, we continue after only a short swimming break to ice cream in Čižiči.
The afternoon is spent with packing and resting, before we make our way to restaurant Zora in Dobrinj for a last joined dinner.
Saturday - Farewell and Goodbye
At 09:00 o'clock sharp we leave the apartment and move all our belongings down to the harbour for breakfast.
The rest of my family will travel back to Germany by car while I - with the water taxi and busses - go back to Hungary.
So we wave each other goodbye while the Adriatic Sea glitters around me in the sunshine, knowing that we will see each other again, soon.