Training the horses
One of my tasks which I hadn't been able to take up for a long time was training our horses - but now the time has finally come.

One of the tasks I was supposed to be responsible for during my EVS was to train our horses, or at least helping with the training. But because I'm not allowed to take them out and work with them alone, for security reasons, nothing came of this for a long time.
Now I not only have a fellow volunteer here in Vereb but also a trainer, who spends three to four days per week in the camp to train the horses with us.
It's very interesting work and the different characters of the horses are shown off a lot stronger when working with them. We take our time with every horse, usually between two to five hours, and the tasks performed with and around them include cleaning, building up trust and a connection, working in the round pen, grazing on the longline and now, slowly, also getting them used to bridle, saddle and a rider
It's still a long way until all the horses can be led and ridden safely but we're getting there - and who knows, maybe we can even go for a ride with more than one of our horses before my year here in Hungary ends.