A new volunteer
Since of late we have an expansion of our team - Linda, EVS-Volunteer from Romania.
This blog is dedicated to everything concerning my EVS-experience with Szivárvány Törzs (Rainbow Tribe) - be it anecdotes or pictures. All this is and was made possible through support provided by the European Community Erasmus+ Programme.
The blog can also be found under the following address:
Since of late we have an expansion of our team - Linda, EVS-Volunteer from Romania.
At the weekend of or around Valentine's Day the yearly Festival of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society (RSCDS) partakes in Newcastle Upon Tyne - and visitors, too, are welcome there.
With the beginning of the New Year my own little project here in Hungary has finally started - a weekly meeting point for people of the surrounding area who want to speak English.
What people like to overlook during a year abroad is, that life still continues in their home country - not only the life of others, but their own, too.
There is a Science Museum in the Buda Entertainment & Gastro Center, where you can try out most experiments youself, comparable to the Technorama.
Every now and then I'm going out with friends - after training but also in Budapest. And one thing I noticed in particular: nearly every place offers homemade lemonades.
On the one hand going abroad means leaving friends back home, but on the other hand you also get to make many new aquaintances.
I've been here in Hungary for close to half a year, now, and this is my 50th blog entry. That is worth a small celebration.
The Horseback Archers have to compete without a saddle until the second student grade. That makes learning to ride without a saddle an important part of the trainings.
I might have not celebrated Christmas with my fellow volunteers but for New Year we met in Budapest.